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I might as well be the first

Henry Kisor

New Member
I'm a Chicago-based enthusiast amateur, once a Pentaxian but now a Sonyite, and have used Lightroom for many years. I'm an old guy and don't get around so good no more, so my favorite spots for mostly bird photography tend to be backyard decks, botanic gardens, aviaries when I can get to them, and the like.
The latest Lightroom Classic, 13.5.1. A couple of weeks ago I decided to buy a Mac mini (512gb SSD, 512 gb RAM) and use it exclusively for photography because my 2017 iMac 27" took forever to denoise a 42 mp file. I'm happy with the combination.
ok, so you use the subscription model. The reason why I asked is that Adobe deaktivated the activation server for LR6 (the lifetime licence) last year. If you upgrade your PC, you can not install it anymore/ use it anymore. What only few people know is that there is a workaround for this. With that workaround you are able to use LR6 also in the future with Win 10 and Win 11 and probably also with a Mac M1.
I am using LR Classic for some years now and start to begin to understand it. Especially the masking tools are brilliant. I use LR together with Cobalt profiles for my (old and new) cameras (and iPhone raw files) as to have the same starting point for my editing. I also used (a bit) C1, Luminar Neo, ON1 and RawTherapee. And since a day ART (Another RawTherapee) a free, somewhat simpeler RawTherapee with a better user interface. But despite its shortcomings (and price…) I always come back to LR. All on a Mac.
Hi Donald,

Welcome to LQF33

I also used (a bit) C1, Luminar Neo, ON1 and RawTherapee.

we were thinking also about an ON1 community forum, but in the past, ON1 changed always their plugins and features. I am afraid, that they loose customers. Plugins they payed for are not available anymore in the next release or they call them differently and charge then again etc.

My impression about their business behaviour was more on the negative side while screening the internet, but maybe I am wrong. If there would be enough demand for an ON1 forum, we could create one.